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Himalaya & Tibet

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Meandering river

Steady uphill towards the Aksai Chin

Chinese restaurant/shop/petrol station - stocking up with food for 7 days in Dahongliutan


Aksai Chin high plateau

Above 5000m for the next 250km

Stiff wind

Bicycle gone wild! Oxygene depletion syndrome?

At the beginning of a mountain adventure - a mighty peak in view

Through gravel and snow up the summit ridge

Summit - 6070m

The weather is clearing up - the peak in view

Pushing the bicycle back to the road

Sea of clouds



Chinese cyclists, met on the Aksai Chin

Clouds are hanging low in Tielong

24h of snow and rain messed up the road

Gear shifting cable frozen in - luckily, I have a lighter

On the way to Tibet!

First impressions from the land of my dreams - the Tibetan high plateau

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