Why do you go always alone on tour?
Being alone on a bicycle tour means that your immerge completely in the environment and country. You feel heat and cold more, contacts with locals become more intense. Fear, deception and longings are stronger, but also happiness. As far as I am concerned, dealing with all this is an important part of a bicycle tour.
You sharpen your senses while you're on your own. On the other hand, youre missing somebody to talk with. Whatever your preferences are, the decision to go alone or in company is a very personal decision and needs careful consideration. top
Isnt it dangerous to travel alone?
Yes and no. Basically, a bicycle tour is less dangerous than you might imagine. Being alone means that you approach everything a bit more carefully. With a companion, you might dare more. On the other hand coping with a tricky situation is easier at two. So, I cant give a conclusive answer here. top
How do you cope with being alone for weeks?
Can you deal well with yourself? Being alone for an extensive period means that you have all the time to think about yourself. About your stronger point, but also about the weaker ones... Nevertheless, I feel very comfortable after my bicycle tours. top
How do you find the time to travel?
At first, I started for a tour before my studies at university. Now I use my summer holidays to go on bicycle tours. Having a job, doesnt mean you cant do anything by bicycle, but its definitely more difficult. top
How do you get the money?
A bicycle tour costs less than you might think. If you dont go to camping sites, restaurants and dont need public transport, a shoestring budget is enough. Going by plane is nevertheless expensive. For 6 weeks in France/Spain I spent 300 Euro, for 3 weeks in Iceland 250 Euro and for 11 weeks in Bolivia/Chile 700 Euro (airplane/train fares excluded). top
What kind of bicycle are you using?
I own a CANNONDALE T1000: aluminium frame, Wolber rims 28 inch, mostly XT components, touring handle bar. This bicycle was withstanding all the dreadful roads in the past years without any problems. As of today, I'm quite emotionally attached to it... For extensive sand and dirt tracks, a mountain bike is highly recommended. top
What pannier is the best?
Personally, I have experience three different brands. BACH, ORTLIEB and VAUDE are all having advantages and disadvantages, but all of them have enough strength to withstand a longer bicycle tour. Adapting the pannier choice to your destination can be a good idea. BACH: sturdy and simple design but not waterproof, very simple but unbreakable fixation system. ORTLIEB: not much volume but 100% waterproof, rather expensive. VAUDE: similar to ORTLIEB but cheaper and offering more volume. Go and have a look at the panniers in a shop. top
How do I plan a bicycle tour?
Already some experience? This may help a lot during the planning stage. Most important is the time factor, start early! Read guidebooks, search the internet for travelogues, etc. The next step is to work out a route: what places do you want to visit and in what order? How many kilometers do you want to ride a day? Including spare/rest days is another good advice. Writing emails to other cyclist may prevent you from repeating other peoples mistakes.
A time-consuming part is to establish an equipment list. Dont forget anything important, but dont be paranoid about having every imaginable stuff with you. Dont forget to buy your airplane ticket as early as possible (its cheaper). A lot of regions require vaccinations. Go as early as possible to a specialist to inform yourself. Some countries require visas. A great relief on a tour is complete list of telephone numbers (relatives, travel agency, ambassy, insurance company, etc.). top
How to transport a bicycle in a plane?
The most reasonable way to do so is to pack your bicycle in a bicycle cardbox. Most bicycle vendors will give you one for free. The empty space in the cardbox should be filled with your mattress, sleeping bag, etc. At your destination you can throw away the cardbox and get a new one prior to your flight back home. top
Why is your homepage incomplete?
My homepage is a leisure time project. But leisure time can be a rare good at times, so this explains the unfinished nature of this page. If youre looking for additional information, feel free to contact me by email. top
Where will you go on your next tour?
Take a look at the 2003/2004 section under Travelogues. top