Evolutionary genomics of pathogens Croll lab at University of Neuchatel


We are a diverse group of people with interests in evolutionary biology, microbiology, bioinformatics and genomics. But we are also passionate about conservation genetics and many other topics. To see what we are doing for fun, have a look at our blog.


More of our alumni

Laetitia Holzer (MSc student 2020-2021)
Elizabete Ferreira (MSc student 2020-2021)
Nicolas Seiler (MSc student 2020-2021)
Hanna Glad (MSc student 2020-2021)
Fanny Gagliardi (MSc student 2020-2021)
Lea Stauber (PhD student 2017-2021)
Maëlle Wanner (intern/stagiaire 2020)
Estelle Fleury (MSc student 2019-2020)
Emilie Chanclud (SNSF & Marie Curie postdoctoral fellow 2018-2020)
Sami Sayer (visiting PhD student 2019-2020)
Stéphanie Ruaud (MSc student 2018-2020)
Camille Kessler (MSc student 2018-2019)
Norfarhan Mohd-Assad (PhD student 2013-2018, Farhan is now a Senior Lecturer at Universiti Kebangsaan in Malaysia)
Luzia Stalder (MSc student 2017, Luzia is now doing her PhD with us)
Tiziana Vonlanthen (MSc student 2016-17, Tiziana works now at the Agroscope Reckenholz as a scientific assistant)
Fanny Gagliardi (intern, Biology student UniNE 2018)
Dr. Clémence Plissonneau​ (postdoctoral fellow, recipient of an INRA Young Scientist grant, Clémence currently is responsible for bioinformatics at Gautier Semences).
Dr. Fanny Hartmann (PhD student 2013-2017, Fanny is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at Université de Paris-Sud).
Juliana Benevenuto (6-month PhD scholarship from the São Paulo Research Foundation in 2016, Juliana is currently a postdoctoral fellow at Florida State University)
Dr. Ethan Stewart (ETH Zurich, co-supervised PhD student with Bruce McDonald 2011-2016). Ethan is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at Cornell University.
Christoph Eschenbrenner (Universität Kiel, Germany, visit for genome assembly techniques 2016) ​ Dr. Thierry Marcel (INRA BIOGER, COST SUSTAIN short term scientific mission 2016)
Sandra Wenger (BSc student 2015-2016)
Alessandra Stürchler (MSc research project 2015-2016) ​ Dr. Mark Lendenmann (co-supervised PhD student with Bruce McDonald 2015-2016)
Dr. Jana Drabešová (PhD student internship 2011)